Not your typical Brunch review

Welcome back brunchies!
Amanda here!

To those of you who are new readers welcome.

Usually I'm here to share with you a great local brunch spot and give you the inside take on their menu and overall experience. Due to these uncertain times that we are living in, limitations have been made to ensure our safety and unfortunately that includes dinning together in a public places.
However this doesn't mean we cant support our local community!

We are all working incredibly hard. This pandemic has been hard on every person in the world one way or another. We all are suffering in our own ways and have our own experiences. Living in Rochester, NY aka the city that seems to have more grey skies then anything else its so important to take time for ourselves. My mental health is something that has to always come 1st so I encourage you all to do the same and find the best at home remedies to keep you healthy and happy.

Here at brunch lifestyle through lots of research we have found many local restaurants who are doing specials deals on take out and delivery. The links, menus and phone numbers are listed below!
Also in supporting our community and all our mental health I have also attached some links to some small remedies we can do at home to make sure we aren't losing ourselves in this pandemic. 

 For almost a year Vanessa and I have poured our heart into this blog. We have enjoyed connecting with our readers and giving everyone the inside scoop on the hottest brunch spots in our community. We love Brunch lifestyle and can't wait for the second that we can safely hold a mimosa in our hand and cheers to a healthier, happier world. We will get through this together as a community! In the mean time, stay healthy, stay home if you can, order a meal from our local restaurants and don't be afraid to ask for help if your drowning a little in all this. I can guarantee that you are not alone.


Here are some restaurants we love that are offering takeout!
If you know a local business in need of support please DM us @brunchlifestyle on instagram or  facebook so we can add them to the list!


The list below is some self love links for things I have done that have kept me going during this terrible time.
*online/phone/NOT in person therapy
*assistance with sleep, winding down, slowly racing and stressed out minds
Keep active with this run and make a difference in our community!

All right brunchies, this is all we got. Love you all. Stay safe. We hope to brunch with you soon.
