How we can help

Welcome back brunchies!

As we continue to going through this odd time it has been so incredible to see so many local businesses and community members supporting each other.
 Here at brunch lifestyle we will do our part by sharing more links to restaurants and other local businesses who need our help. We’ve had several people messaging us letting us know they’ve been looking to us for where to go get their meals and that warms our hearts!

Our feature this week was nominated by our boss and dear friend Lindsey Tambe. 
Nikki Speranza is a hair dresser who has been unfortunately unable to take clients during this time. She still wanted to do her part and has been raising money for the manufacturing of masks as well as donating food baskets to our local health care community. 
Nikki and her friend Parker have started a Go Fund Me account for the cause, to raise funds in order to supply material for homemade masks. These masks will be made to replicate N95’s. 
Parker’s sister who is also a good friend to Nikki works in the ICU in a local hospital. Which has made this cause very personal. They truly hold it near and dear to their hearts. Their initial goal was to raise $1000 and have now raised over $6000! They are overwhelmed with all gratitude that has been shown. With a big thanks in part to social media for making it easy to increase the word of mouth, share and donate to their Go Fund Me. Their team has been working hard at producing the hand made masks and food baskets. Nikki and Parker were able to drop off their first round of food and masks this past week.
This is such an amazing success story of an incredibly selfless act that we are proud to shine a light on!
We can’t say thank you enough to Nikki, Parker, their friends and family helping them out. Please consider donating to the Go Fund Me so they can keep producing these masks and donating food to the hospitals around Rochester!

Huge thanks to Maddy Gilbert, Kate Baranek, Elaine Singh, Alexis Tubiolo for nominating the following. 

Alexis Tubiolo works for Career Start. This coming week they’re holding a virtual resume workshop for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID. They are going to be assisting with structuring, preparing resumes and mailing out 4 professional copies to the first 50 people along with a flash drive.

Another workshop Alexis mentioned is

Ridge Donut has donated 56 dozen donuts which was 14 dozen to each hospital! 

Perfect Granola has donated over 100,000 pouches to help support 50 school districts and 3 Feeding America food banks! To top it all off they collaborated with Three Heads brewing on a new beer, "The Perfect Ale"

The Pittsford Basin, Pontillos for giving out free toilet paper and bread with certain purchases. 

Chick’n Out has raised money and donated meals to the hospitals! 

Instant Monogramming Inc is sewing masks for the hospitals as well which is keeping their employees employed.

Nicole McEvily is also sewing masks thank you!

The Mad Hatter Restaurant and Bakery has been collecting money to donate meals, they’ve donated a few times already! Every $10 raised provides a meal for a medical professional.

Mac’s Pizza Shack is donating a $30 gift certificate each day to local community helpers (nurses, police, doctors, emt, etc)!

If you know of business that deserves to be recognized, or if you have had a positive experience that you'd like us to share please DM us @brunchlifestyle on instagram or facebook and we will do our best to highlight them next week.

Alright brunchies! Hang in there, I hope we will all be brunching together soon! In the mean time stay in, and support local whenever you can.
